Omni Acquired a Permanent Home

Dear Omni Friends & Family,

It is our great pleasure to announce that Omni Studios will be upgrading from its current location in the Temescal District to our new home at Artthaus Studios.

In June, Omni Directors signed a 3.5 year contract on a beautiful 1,500 sq ft studio space with Artthaus, a mission-aligned creative center in East Oakland. Omni Studios will be located at 2744 E 11th St, Oakland, CA beginning July 25th, 2023. Upon moving, dancers will notice a new and improved Omni experience in addition to our existing offerings, including:

  • Secure, gated parking

  • Outdoor rooftop & other event space reservations for multi-room (and possibly multi-style) social dancing

  • Network of media & content creators in the building

  • Beautiful & better kept self-care spaces (restroom, shower)

  • Versatile common spaces equipped for co-working

Operations will begin at 2744 E 11th St starting August 1st with no planned interruption. All July classes & weekenders will remain at 4834 Telegraph Avenue until completion. Stay up to date with us for any unforeseen changes on our Facebook page & website

Omni is committed to maintaining financial accessibility of our services to the community while upkeeping our fiscal responsibilities as a business to keep our doors open. To help offset moving costs & account for the value of the improved amenities at our new home, Omni will be implementing modest price increases according to our policy that can be found here. Omni Promise remains available for community members in need. Thank you so much for your understanding and support!

Special thanks to Negar Souza for helping us land a long-term home dedicated to partner dancers in Oakland. Omni Studios is one of very few community-driven social dance organizations in the U.S. to have achieved a long-term home. This win is dedicated to all the instructors, dancers, friends, and families who feed our passion and energy for the world of dance.  

See below for a FAQ specific to this move. If anything is missing, please reach out to us via email We are happy to hear your feedback and questions. We look forward to serving you at 2744 E 11th St. in Oakland!


Where & when will Omni Studios be relocated?

  • Omni Studios will be located at 2744 E 11th St, Oakland, CA beginning July 25th, 2023.

Where will Progressive Classes & Events be located during the transition?

  • All July classes & weekenders will remain at 4834 Telegraph Avenue until completion. All classes and weekenders from August forward will be at 2744 E 11th St, Oakland, CA.

Why is Omni Studios moving away from the Temescal District?

  • The Omni Directors prioritize the safety, health, and wellbeing of our community above all. We observed an increased number of safety incidents including destruction of property, theft, and bodily threats that our community can no longer tolerate.

  • Omni prioritizes the long-term sustainability of our mission to maintain financial accessibility of our services and offerings. Due to increasing prices in the area, maintaining operations in Temescal was no longer possible without compromising our commitment to the community. 

Why Artthaus?

  • In order of priority, Omni achieved the following wins by acquiring a space at Artthaus:

  1. Improved Amenities & Location: 

    • Secure, gated parking option

    • Quiet, residential neighborhood

    • Beautiful & well-kept/stocked self-care spaces (bathroom, shower, common areas)

    • Versatile co-working spaces

  2. Increased Program Flexibility & Capacity:

    • Artthaus offers a variety of space types that can satisfy a range of scale from our smallest intensive to our large Omni-versary event under a single roof.

  3. Mission Alignment:

    • Artthaus is a space built for creative entrepreneurs who are breaking the mold across a variety of sectors. At the same time, like Omni, they value accessibility. 

  4. Fiscal Sustainability:

    • Omni is in need of a home where it can expand and contract for its diverse programming while remaining profitable and not putting the organization at financial risk. Artthaus offers this flexibility.

Why is Omni increasing prices on classes and events now?

  • Despite avoiding an unsustainably steep rent hike on Telegraph Ave, Omni’s rent is experiencing a small ~5% increase that will increase annually at a fixed rate. Furthermore, in evaluating the expected improvements to the Omni experience as a result of the move to Artthaus Studios, we believe that the value delivered to consumers will be increased noticeably (see Why Artthaus question). Finally, as anyone who has moved residences can attest, moving homes is a significant expense - and Omni is no exception! As a result of these 3 reasons, we have made the decision to increase our prices modestly.

How are prices adjusting?

  • See the current FAQ.

When are prices changing?

  • Prices will adjust beginning with all August programming, including progressive classes & socials. 


How to Find the New Omni Studios (Loading Dock Entrance)